Providing Hope and A Future for Stockton on Tees

Giving guidance and direction

Our Values and Beliefs

Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do.

It is happening already – you can see it now!”

Isaiah 43 : 18

We are a Christian organisation, this ethos and associated values underpin everything we do.

Our clients are treated as family members – helping them build trusting and life-changing relationships.

Rebuilt relationships are the pathway to new self-confidence, a confidence that brings a future filled with hope.

We operate a non- judgemental “tough love” approach encouraging our clients to feel valued, willing to be re-engaged in society as empowered and responsible citizens.

Participation is crucial to a client’s success in changing their lives. All clints are encouraged to take part in any of the many activities and events provided.

Future Plans

Our plan for the future, is very simple – to continue improving what we offer to our valued clients.

In the past year during difficult times, we have: –

  • Installed purpose wet room showering facility for use by clients and the homeless.
  • Operated a food bank distribution Hub.
  • Carried out building modifications to provide better facilities for clients.

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Mealtime plays a significant part in our daily routine with the men.

Each day a hot nutritious meal is provided free of charge cooked by one of our volunteer chefs.

Providing the men with a place to eat, to enjoy fellowship with their peers, simply sitting around a table and chatting like any normal family can make a huge difference in their daily routine of no hope.

They share their problems, and we listen in a non-judgmental manner and provide the necessary support.

We are blessed in receiving food donations from many of the local supermarkets, local churches and very often from individuals who just want to share a little of what they have.