The Moses Project
Providing Hope and a Future to Stockton-on-Tees
Who We Are
Men into rehabilitation
The Moses Project is a registered charitable company which provides guidance, mentoring and support to hundreds of adult males with past and current addictions to drugs and alcohol. The men usually live in chaotic circumstances and are suffering the consequences of long-term self-abuse.
Hot meals provided
Assistance is given with housing and benefit applications, introduction to positive lifestyles, one-to-one support along with regular team-building events and activities. The Moses Project works closely with all commissioned agencies, i.e. Stockton Borough Council Outreach Services, CGL, Probation Services and NHS Mental Health. We have developed close working links with housing groups and the homeless section at Stockton Borough Council.
By offering support withlife’s everyday problems in a caring environment where everyone is welcomed, we provide clients with the opportunity to recover, rebuild theirl ives and become re-engaged with society.
We see our clients as family. We set about helping men see a different life in many ways and put on many events to take their minds away from their addiction.
We work closely with three Christian Rehabilitationn centres and can arrange for rapid entry to one of these centres. A supervised medical detox can bve arranged if necessary.
We are a Christian organisation, and this ethos and associated values underpin everything we do.
Our clients are treated like family members – helping them build trusting and life-changing relationships.
Rebuilt relationships are the pathway to new self-confidence, confidence that brings a future filled with hope.
Jillian Marathon Fundraiser
The lovely Jillian Obern has oragnised a fundraiser on behalf of The Moses Project. Here’s what Jillian has to say:
Head over to Jillian’s gofundme page to donate and support her efforts! The Moses Project can not thank her enough for her decision to support us!
CSJ Award
The CSJ’s vision is for those living in the poorest and most disadvantaged communities across Britain to be given every opportunity to flourish and reach their full potential.
Read more on how they have supported us this last year!
The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest given to volunteer groups across the UK celebrating the outstanding work they do. It just so happens The Moses Project was awarded this achievement this year.
Read Ashley's Story
Approximatley 1,000 men have benfitted from the work we do in Stockton. Watch Ashley’s story to find out more about the services we provide.
Addiction means that a large part of a person’s life is devoted to buying and taking drugs.
Addiction usually applies to regular, heavy users of drugs such as cocaine and heroine but it could also involve other drugs or alcohol – hence the term alcoholic. The term addiction and addict, however, conjure up all sorts of negative images of people and dehumanise those it is applied to. Some people even believe that addiction is a disease and that once people are addicts they will always be addicts, even though there is no real evidence to support this view.

Physical dependancy results from the repeated, heavy use of drugs like tranquillisers and alcohol. Heavy and continual use of these drugs can change the bbody chemistry so that if someone does not get a repeat dose they suffer physical withdrawl symptoms – the shakes and flu like effects. They have to keep taking the drugs to stop themselves feeling ill. Many of the homeless men do not have the facilities to cook or serve a hot meal. Those sleeping rough are given priority assistance to find a shelter.
All men are welcomed in a loving and caring environment where they can relax and learn to share their problems and obtain vital life-changing support and guidance.
We operate a non-judgemental “tough love” approach encouraging our clients to feel valued, and willing to be re-engaged in society as empowered and responsible citizens.
Participation is crucial to a client’s success in changing their lives. All clients are encouraged to take part in any of the many activities and events provided.
We are blessed to have our current building in whcih we are able to provide our services and resources.
This is equipped with:
- A fully functioning commercial kitchen capable of providing in excess of 100 meals a day.
- A comprehensive security system ensuring our clients are in a safe environment.
- Washing and showering facilities.
- IT systems allowing clients to prepare CVs and job searches.
- Training where appropriate by external providers.
- Large screen presentation facilities.
- Volunteers who have the heart for the Project.
About us
Support & Mentoring
The project provides daily support, mentoring and activities for hundreds of men who have become disengaged from society, perhaps because of their addictions or unforeseen circumstances such as unemployment or mental illness.
We accompany the men to appointments, ensuring punctual attendance and that they receive appropriate advice and understand the options made available to them.
We compliment and work closely with other local agencies including:-
- Stockton Borough Council Homless and Outreach Departments sections.
- Probation Services
- Thirteen Group
- Local GP Practices
- Crisis Team
- Cleveland Police
- Betel Rehabilitation Centre Hexham/Derby
- Teen Challenge Rehabilitation Centre.